When is the Time to Worry About Your Website Security?

Whether you work alone or work as a team, it is imperative that you add the security of your website to the list of important things to do. And it is recommended that you are in the top positions of your to do list.

Develop your website in a secure environment. Or secure your development environment.

If you are going to use a CMS like WordPress, Joomla or any other remember that from the moment you access your website online, you are already vulnerable. That is, you either work in a local or already secure and isolated environment, or the security of your online environment is the number one priority, before even thinking about the content and form of the web.

Many developers do not believe they can be infected before having users on the website. Nothing is further from reality.

It is just at that moment where you are most vulnerable and spambots and attackers take advantage to turn your web or your client into a victim of phishing, spam, XSS attacks and many others. And even when you’ve started positioning the new domain, it’s full of references to unwanted content.

Your online reputation for soils and listing on black lists. Depending on the severity, the time it takes to solve it may be even higher than the delivery to the client of the finished project. Drama.

Oh, and not only that. You will have to tell the client the cost of fixing the infection and securing the website if you do not know how to do it, or do not have the time.

Security begins before the first user visits the website

The control of malware, hackers and infections requires that in the process of development of your website you also take care of security maintenance. How?:

When is the Time to Worry About Your Website Security? was last modified: July 20th, 2017 by WeSecur