GDPR compliance

GDPR compliance: what if your website has been hacked?  

If you are owner of an online business, a blog or any website that collects data from users, you probably have heard about RGPD data protection law compliance. And is that any company, freelance or freelance that has a source of income online, must comply with regulations.

GDPR if your site hase been hacked 

How to avoid problems being GDPR compliance more easily

From WESECUR we want to help you preventing and securing your website data in two ways:

Continuously analyzing if your website has been hacked or infected

This way you will receive a notification as soon as we detect an infected file, a vulnerability and if your domain is on a blacklist. For this purpose we offer you the essential plan.

Protecting your web from attackers to prevent attacks and hackers

The more prevention measures you include in your online business, the easier it will be to comply with the law and avoid infections and data theft. Therefore, the plus and premium plans include an application firewall that block any intrusion attempts by attackers and spambots.

GDPR compliance: what if your website has been hacked?   was last modified: July 7th, 2018 by WeSecur